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Juan Somavia (ILO) - Social movements, the future of labour and our society

We are living in an era of great disquiet - protests emerge and need to become movements in order to create global consciousness, which then change policies and social models. In the last decades the womens' movement has had extraordinary influence; but in the world of work wages are still lower, participation in management and even in union leadership is very low. We need an accelerator here, with more participation and presence of women: the collective capacity of women to contribute to society is essential. Other movements have been around, from the human rights ... continua

Visita: www.terrafutura.it

Juan Somavia (ILO) on Trade Unions

Interview with the Director-General of the ILO (International Labour Organisation - UN) for Terra Futura (Firenze 25-27 May, 2012)The roots of the trade union movement need to be re-discovered and integrated with the demands emerging from society. Where are the jobs going to come from in the world of today? Mainly from small enterprises, who create real jobs and economy. There is a space for an important renewed role of trade-unionism, listening to what social movements and workers have to say.

Visita: www.terrafutura.it

Sergio Staino

L'edizione 2012 di Terra Futura (25-27 maggio, Fortezza da Basso) è incentrata sul tema del lavoro: "Lavoriamo per il futuro" è il titolo del position paper elaborato dai partner di TerraFutura per la IX edizione, un'esortazione a partecipare al dialogo sul tema del lavoro rivolta alla società civile e alle istituzioni. Il sistema è in crisi, come agire per far ripartire lo sviluppo? Come riformare il lavoro se non si attua un ripensamento di modelli sociali, economici e produttivi? In questa breve intervista, Sergio Staino risponde che bisogna andare oltre la ... continua

Visita: www.terrafutura.it